Friday, June 21, 2019

A Shouting Match in Shanghai

One of the stops on our modern Shanghai tour was riding the maglev train, a train which runs 268 miles per hour. Our tour guide told us that we would ride from a station in the city to the airport, get out long enough to take pictures, and get back on the train for the ride back. It was very interesting to see how much faster we were going than the cars on the adjacent highway while riding the train.

When we got to the airport and got off the train, our group was met by a lady who works for the airport station. She told the guide that we could not just get back on the train but would have to go to the entrance, go through the turnstile, and then board. The guide and the station lady got into an extremely loud shouting match in Chinese and eventually a policeman had to come and separate them. We were able to get back on the train without going back to the entrance.

After we got on the bus, the guide explained to us that this happened all the time and she couldn't understand why there were problems getting back on the train. We had round-trip tickets, purchased with the tour, and she always showed the station personnel those documents. She said the tour didn't allow time for going all the way to the entrance and back up because we would surely miss that train and have to wait for another. 

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